خانه - Departments - Breast Clinic

Breast Clinic

Breast diseases, especially breast cancer, are among health problems with constantly increasing incidence in general population. Ebnesina Breast Clinic provides patients with most up-to-date diagnosis and treatment services for various breast diseases and breast cancer by physicians through is medical technology infrastructure and service approach focused on patient safety.

Our doctors in this clinic also examine other complications and problems related to the breast, some of which are mentioned below.

  • Abnormal mammograms and new or suspicious masses

  • Assessment of breast cancer risk and family history of breast cancer

  • Gynecomastia

  • Benign breast disorders, atypical ductal and lobular hyperplasia and lobular carcinoma

  • Other breast problems such as changes in breast skin, nipple discharge, breast infection and breast pain

Ebnesina Breast clinic services:

Can adjust the time of tissue removal from the organ with proper planning if needed, andthe results can be accessed as soon as possible, which means reducing the waiting time and not needing continuous visits. Our doctors are able to diagnose abnormal breast conditions and provide many services, including the following.

  • Breast cancer screening

  • Mammography

  • Sonography

  • Breast cancer surgery

  • Breast cancer chemotherapy

  • Hormone therapy for breast cancer

  • Breast cancer prevention advice

  • Genetic counseling for people at risk of breast cancer

  • Patient education and breast cancer survivorship programs


Opening Hours