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Education and social responsibility

It has been about a decade that the category of social responsibility of organizations has entered the business environment, and organizations pay special attention to this category as one of the main elements in their desired identity and take advantage of it. Along with their business, organizations create value and wealth and are trying to promote positive categories in the society and seek to realize the ideals of the society and in this way, show a positive and appropriate effect of themselves to the society.

The issue of returning the audience to the medical centers is very important and this issue is considered very important in the country’s health market. In other words, returning customers to health and treatment organizations plays a very important role in acquiring the brand identity of these organizations, and this issue is considered as one of the main indicators in the success of health and treatment organizations.

Today, hospitals are trying to make a lot of efforts in the field of social marketing and social responsibility, although currently most hospitals have not thought of using marketing tools and are not aware of the category of social responsibility due to the large number of referrals.

Today, there are many hospitals in the world that have defined their social responsibility in terms of the activities of healthcare organizations. As an example, the expansion of health and preventive measures in the geographical area where the hospital is located is one of the measures that some health and treatment centers do correctly in line with social responsibility, that is, by providing health services and education to the people of the region. are in line with social responsibility because if people get sick later, they go to hospitals less often and although this issue leads to a decrease in patients for hospitals, it is considered as social responsibility in these organizations and health organizations and therapy in Iran in line with social responsibility should pay special attention to this issue.

Another measure that hospitals can take in line with social responsibility is educating patients in hospitals. In other words, when patients are admitted to hospitals, the hospital, in line with social responsibility, can teach them to be informed about how to take medicine, etc. while on leave, because when people are not aware of post-treatment care, They may have to return to the hospital.

Considering this issue, successful hospitals in line with social responsibility make appropriate investments in the line of self-care of patients so that these people have a good and healthy life after leaving the hospital.

Among the discussions that are important in terms of social responsibility in hospitals, is the discussion of health promoting hospitals or HPH: promotion Hospital health; In other words, one of the missions of these hospitals is to improve the health of patients in order to prevent and prevent disease, and this type of social responsibility is considered the peak of social responsibility of hospitals.

Providing respectful medical services to patients and respecting patients’ rights can also be defined in line with social responsibility, and hospitals in Iran should pay special attention to this issue. Meanwhile, in addition to respecting the rights of patients, some hospitals must also commit to maintaining the safety of patients.

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