خانه - Departments - Gynecology and Obstetrics

Gynecology and Obstetrics

The Gynecology and Obstetrics of Ebnesina Hospital has been established to provide special cares during pregnancy in order to improve the level of medical cares of this group of patients. Using the modern equipment, the up-to-date knowledge of the physicians and experienced personnel, this department tries to provide the medical services needed by pregnant women in the best possible way. In this department, women who are candidates for normal vaginal delivery or cesarean section and patients with gynecological disease receive the highest quality medical services.

In this ward, with the possibility of the presence of the spouse during the natural birth, the mother and the baby will enjoy strength of heart and confidence. All stages of normal vaginal delivery in this department are performed by trained staff and experienced midwives in all shifts. These special cares make the mother and the baby have a pleasant and memorable experience during the delivery process and after.


بخش زنان زایمان بیمارستان ابن سینا

Some of the services are as follows:

بخش زنان زایمان بیمارستان ابن سینا


Neonatal ward

The neonatal department of Ebnesina Hospital provides comprehensive services for the care of children and newborn patients by using the doctors who specialize in neonates and the permanent presence of experienced pediatric specialists and experienced nurses by their side.

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