
Technical associate Fields:

  • Repair of medical equipment – operating room

  • Repair of medical equipment – medical diagnosis laboratory

  • Infection control and sterilization equipment

With the aim of meeting the needs of different sectors of job fields in:

Hospitals, medical centers, operating rooms, producing companies and importing medical equipment.

for the training of skilled human resources in coordination with the General Department of Medical Equipment of the Ministry of Health, Treatment and Medical Education and the University of Applied Sciences It is designed and implemented in two half-year (semester) methods.

Technical associate fields

Infection control and sterilization equipment

Technical associate fields

Repair of medical equipment - medical diagnostic laboratory

Technical associate fields

Technical fields of maintenance and repair of medical equipment - operating room

Technical associate fields

Professional Fields in insurance affairs

Professional fields in person’s insurance management

Technical associate fields

Clinical professional fields

Professional associate degree in pharmacy

Technical associate fields

Professional associate degree in Clinic Fields

Technical associate fields

Professional Bachelor's Degree in Liability Insurance

Technical associate fields

Professional associate degree in Clinic Fields

Technical associate fields

Medical diagnostic laboratory technology engineering